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This site and all of its contents, including all text and images (collectively “Content”) are owned or licensed by TerraPower, LLC. All rights are reserved unless otherwise noted. You are granted a limited, non-sublicenseable, non-exclusive right to access this site and print the Content only for your personal, non-commercial, and informational use. Any other use of any Content without the express written permission of TerraPower, LLC is strictly prohibited.


The trademarks and service marks displayed on this site are trademarks owned or licensed by TerraPower, LLC (collectively or individually “TerraPower” and “TerraPower Marks”). Trademarks are an important means by which TerraPower, LLC identifies our company, products, and services to the public and by which the public, in turn, recognizes our company, products and services. Any use of TerraPower Marks or any confusingly similar marks, in any manner including, but not limited to, use in metatags or other “hidden text” is strictly prohibited without the prior express written permission of TerraPower, LLC. Other third-party trademarks used on this site belong to their respective owners.

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  • Links must use the plain text name of the site (www.terrapower.com) or the full name of the company (TerraPower, LLC) and must not use any other logo, design, or trademark of TerraPower, LLC.
  • Links must not give the impression that the third party website or the third party is affiliated with, sponsored by, or in a relationship with TerraPower, LLC or suggest that TerraPower, LLC endorses, sponsors, or recommends the third party or any information, products, or services of the third party. The third party must not include any Content from this site on its site (such as by framing).

TerraPower, LLC reserves the right to terminate any link that it deems inappropriate or inconsistent with its site or its business purposes.


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